.450/400 Nitro Ex
I'd thought about side charging handle replacements that look like wishbones. Like this:
These drop-in options always seemed like they'd flex too much and could come apart at an inopportune moment. Or, they'd allow for too much lateral torque when charging and make the handle harder to pull.
I'd looked at side charging uppers. But, I don't like reciprocating handles.
I did a quick search and found something that I'd apparently missed in the past. Check out the "Hard Charger" by Devil Dog Concepts:
Hard Charger
Gear Review: Devil Dog Concepts Hard Charger - The Truth About Guns
In theory, this appears to be a better supported option than the simple drop-in model.

These drop-in options always seemed like they'd flex too much and could come apart at an inopportune moment. Or, they'd allow for too much lateral torque when charging and make the handle harder to pull.
I'd looked at side charging uppers. But, I don't like reciprocating handles.
I did a quick search and found something that I'd apparently missed in the past. Check out the "Hard Charger" by Devil Dog Concepts:
Hard Charger
Gear Review: Devil Dog Concepts Hard Charger - The Truth About Guns
In theory, this appears to be a better supported option than the simple drop-in model.