Arrest him for being unsafe ,but its OK to be homeless, this government can go fuck itself with a stick.
The last thing they want is for people to be independent of the government. It diminishes their power.
Self sufficiency is a dirty word . Guns are a dirty word .
He needs a Go Fund Me to raise funds for attorney representation. Huntsville should be sued for depriving him of his God given right to pursue life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. He's not infringing on anyone else's rights.
Amen Tyler.
The guy is a Vet. comes home & tries to live his life.
Blood sucking city/ government is upset that Tyler can live independent of the city's utilities so they want to shut him down/kick him to the curb.
Damn I hate the gov't.
The one and only thing I could possibly see them taking issue with is if he does not have an adequate septic as wastewater could potentially affect neighboring properties. If that's a not an issue, the city should go F itself.
I do know that in some local Towns by me (not sure if my Town is one of them) but they have ordinances about how long you can "camp" on your own property without an actual dwelling. It's kind of the same thing I suppose...that they don't want you not living without utilities. Not sure if that applies to this situation. Having said that it looks like this guy has he own solar electricity, rain barrels for water collection, etc. so he truly appears to be self sufficient.
ok, I thought this guy lived out in the sticks with no one around. But living within the city limits he does need to meet certain municipal codes. If he fails to follow those codes, even when the city tries to help him through the process, he is an idiot.
I can bet this has to do with taxes in the end . a off grid trailer is basically an empty lot with no improvements.
There's a small community that has been going through this in lower westchester ny. Look up hen island in rye. I know someone who owns a house there. No water, sewer, electric, or roads only accessible by boat.
Different states, towns and rules. Theres gonna be a difference between not having septic or sewers in a suburb compared to living out in the countryside nowhere near anyone else. People live in campers and vans full time off grid shitting in buckets and throwing it in the trash. If done properly there isnt a heath problem .
so the City/Town Ducks and Geese and Birds have a designated poop house that feeds to the sewer plant ..
"The purpose behind these requirements is public safety. It is not to generate funds through permits – the cost is only about $11. " i'm confused .. LMAO ..