6.5 Creedmoor
Some gun bills on the Assembly Codes agenda for May 3 @ 11:00am:
- A-1023, Relates to requiring reporting on a seized or recovered gun to the criminal gun clearinghouse. Companion is S-4790.
- A-3998, Clarifies the definition of “imitation weapons.” Companion S-687 passed the Senate.
- A-5455, Requires police officers to take temporary custody of firearms for not less than one hundred twenty hours when responding to reports of family violence. Companion is S-5026.
- A-5746, Provides that it shall be unlawful for any person to organize, sponsor, conduct, promote, or participate in any contest, competition, tournament or derby where the objective of such contest or competition is to take wildlife. Companion is S-6643.
- A-3776, Grants dealers in firearms access to the New York Statewide Police Information Network to allow law enforcement the opportunity to question persons that attempt to sell stolen firearms. No companion.
- A-4756, Authorizes amendments to a license to carry or possess a firearm to be made by the filing officers or county clerk of each county, unless otherwise specified through resolution of the county’s legislative body. No companion.
- A-4960, Authorizes, in the county of Chautauqua, the possession of a pistol or revolver while attending a firearms familiarity course conducted by a law enforcement agency. No companion.