due to a gunbroker search history the atf has harassed one of my subscribers threatening them with jail time if they don't turn in an FRT that they never purchased.
I worry about just this. I search a lot of things just because I do not always know what an item is or if it is what I think it is. Some regs are so ridiculous I have to search. Bleah.
ATF sells solvent traps on the Internet and many M-16 parts................as we know possession of a picture of a lightning link, is a felony.............
ATF stings at gun shows are many and the ARF reputedly intends to somehow close down all gun shows....without legislation or any law toback them up.
The days of Biden are here and now....................like Armageddon, or the days of Hitler and Tojo...........like WWII in the beginning, this is a sort of "Phony War" period, a cold war with raids from ATF offices ready to kill...........it is amazing that all the attempts to get Trump and smash the working man revolution, and in jail like Jan 6th'ers, has not really created a situation where unpleasantness occurs all over the country.