.338 Win Mag
Depends if it "makes sense" or not from my understanding. Ie. If they were looking for a stolen vehicle then searching your garage seems reasonable under a warrant. If there is a safe in the garage, well you can't really hide a car in a safe so...
Also, it depends on if the lock is keyed or combination if you are compelled to open it or not. A combination is a product of the mind so you can't be compelled to provide it, considered testimony against yourself. A key isn't a product of the mind so you can be compelled to produce it. That's my understanding anyways. Keep in mind, you not giving them the combination doesn't mean they can't cut it open if they have reasonable cause to search it.
My rule of thumb is this: if the police have the legal authority to do something, then they will just do it even if you protest; so if they are asking you for permission that is because they know they can't do it themselves without you giving them the power to do it. So, do not help the police out and make their job easier.
Disclaimer: I'm not a lawyer so consult with one and don't necessarily take my advice.
Simple solution like I do: keep your keys in a travel gun combo safe. Done. Now your keyed safe is considered a "product of the mind" due to the keys being in a combo safe.