Seven years ago, a disturbed young man entered a gun store near his home, wanting to purchase a firearm.
As per federal law, the clerk asked him to fill out Form 4473 so that a federally mandated background check could be performed.
The young man refused to fill out the form properly, so again per federal law, the clerk refused the sale and the young man went away empty handed.
Undeterred, the young man knew where he could steal some guns, even if that meant that he’d have to murder the rightful, lawful owner of the guns he wanted to steal.
He had a murderous plan in his mind and he’d be damned if any law would dissuade him. He went to the residence of the person he thought he could steal the guns from.
Sure enough, he murdered her, just like he planned. He murdered her and stole her firearms.
He took the firearms that he stole from his murder victim down the the local school and murdered a bunch of people in the school, including students and staff.
The law already in place worked. The law prevented him from arming himself.
The system worked. He refused to comply with a NICS check and was sent away without being able to buy a gun.
As far as the rest of the story:
It’s illegal to murder.
It’s illegal to steal.
It’s illegal to bring a gun onto school grounds.
What one more law would make a difference?
Seven years later, an unrelated politician in an unrelated state is standing on the graves of these children, attempting to politicize their deaths in a grotesque distortion of truth and facts in an attempt to push her agenda.