Attorney General Jeff Sessions To Be Held In Contempt Of Congress (Video)
May 8, 2018 #1 Dr. Evil 20×102mm Vulcan Messages 36,803 Reaction score 78,513 Location My Underground Lair Attorney General Jeff Sessions To Be Held In Contempt Of Congress (Video)
May 8, 2018 #2 Burzum .223 Rem Messages 1,223 Reaction score 1,728 Location Capital Region If he wants to stonewall like Eric Holder, then hold him in contempt like Holder, then maybe impeachment of course the geldings in the Senate would never convict him----------RINO pussies.
If he wants to stonewall like Eric Holder, then hold him in contempt like Holder, then maybe impeachment of course the geldings in the Senate would never convict him----------RINO pussies.