Dumb question: Why the hell is the HRA enrolling people in Medicaid without checking to see if they already have insurance?
As a serf/peon/peasant/taxpayer it seems blatantly obvious to me that this would be the 1st step before initiating the enrollment process.
Is it beyond the mental capacity of these bureaucrats to get this sorted out properly?
And...As a serf/peon/peasant/taxpayer I would like to know who's responsible for this shitshow and when they will have their ass handed to them.
Take it right to the top.
Cuomo is responsible for all the wrong done in this State.
With luck, he will have his ass handed to him this November.
In reality, he will continue to be our Tyrant-in-Chief until he decides he's embezzled enough of our hard-earned dollars and leaves for warmer climes.
Management responsible for supervising persons screwing up the review process should be fired and considered eligible for criminal charges. Then locate the line people responsible for reviewing paperwork and fire them. Bureaucracy needs an enema.
"As a serf/peon/peasant/taxpayer it seems blatantlyobvious to me that this would be the 1st step before initiating the enrollment process."
This would require the employ of common sense. Don't forget which state were talking about here.
If we had a fraction of what these fucktards piss away we'd have the finest roads in the country, no tolls, the lowest taxes and there'd be plenty of cash for ANYTHING we needed. Morons.
This story is poorly written. What types of treatments did this happen for? Which firms received the most payments (that would be telling in and of itself)? Did this happen all over the state or was it biased geographically? (I can probably answer that one without any further digging - NYC).
I absolutely hate the way the article was written. The payments were simply something that "happened" and the state can't ask for the money back. For $1.3 billion I bet it's worth paying someone to look into this matter. Hell, hire a forensic auditing firm and give them 50% of the money they retrieve - that would absolutely guarantee two things (a) we'd get a lot of that money back and (b) shit like this would be unlikely to happen again.
I find this article very strange for another reason. In the past 6 months two relatives have died. Both were old. In both cases the health care providers went out of their way to find reasons to AVOID having medicaid bear ANY costs. In one case they waited until the family was out of the room and asked an 88 year old, barely conscious individual if she owned a home or rented. She said "I don't rent." That answer was true, but only because she was living for free in her son's home. She does not own property but her statement "I don't rent" was used as justification for not having Medicaid pay for anything.
This behavior flies in the face of the article. So once again, I ask where the hell did all this occur? Because it sure as shit wasn't happening in upstate NY.