20×102mm Vulcan
This is a letter from the Sullivan County Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs telling DEC (and by extension FUAC) to go f**k themselves in regard to their prohibition of feeding deer and other wildlife.
Well said, Mr. Danchak!
August 18, 2019
Bureau of Wildlife
625 Broadway
Albany, NY 12233-4754
RE: Prohibiting Feeding White-Tailed Deer!
When it comes to feeding wildlife especially during critical winter months, the majority of people here in Sullivan County, NY believe in feeding to help prevent starvation of animals & birds.
Years ago we believed in the DEC’s policy, ‘let nature take its course & it will take care of wildlife for the existing habitat available’. Since back then, the existing habitat has changed, we lost most of our farmers & loggers who supplied the main source of food for wildlife. Development has & is coming in at a rapid pace, creating less & less habitat for wildlife. If we don’t feed wildlife when they need food and can’t find anything, we will lose them.
We all have a concern about Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) and the effect it may have on the deer herd. Many of us here in Sullivan County have been feeding deer for the past 40-yearsand no detection ever of CWD, it is obvious CWD is not coming from the food we feed deer.
We also know that an infected deer in a mass gathering of deer, could pass the disease through saliva from one deer to another. But we also know deer will eat close together with other deer on clover, green grass, food plots, browse & etc. And we all know deer groom each other by licking the face of other deer. It is impossible to stop an infected deer from passing the disease to another deer. The question arises, why must we stop feeding our healthy deer?
I believe CWD is natures way of controlling the deer population and we have no choice except to let it take its course. When humans get a contagious disease, do we stop feeding them to avoid the disease from spreading to others?
In some states, their solution to try to contain the spreading of CWD in the deer herd, is to shoot & kill every deer in an infected area, even healthy deer. I guess using this method of killing every deer wherever CWD occurs, you won’t have to worry about CWD. The sad part is eventually the entire deer herd will be destroyed. To destroy our deer herd is not the solution, let CWD take its course and what will be, will be.
People will not stop feeding deer & wildlife and watch them starve to death. Besides the DEC does not have the man-power or finances to enforce a ban on feeding. Here in Sullivan County we have a County Judge that understands this and the will of the people. He has ruled that the ban on feeding deer is unconstitutional and we are allowed to feed deer & wildlife in our county.
Supporting the judge’s decision is the Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs of Sullivan County, representing around 90 clubs and 12,000 sportsmen, along with anti-hunting people, animal lovers, the Audubon Society and the general public.
The will of the people will prevail and when it comes to life or death, they will choose to feed all wildlife to help prevent starvation. We think it is about time the NY DEC realizes this and conforms to the will of the people in New York State.
Respectfully Yours,
CC: Senator Jen Metzger
Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther
• Chairman of the Sullivan County Legislators Luis Alvarez
• Sullivan County Judge Frank LaBuda
• Assemblyman Steve Englebright
Well said, Mr. Danchak!
August 18, 2019
Bureau of Wildlife
625 Broadway
Albany, NY 12233-4754
RE: Prohibiting Feeding White-Tailed Deer!
When it comes to feeding wildlife especially during critical winter months, the majority of people here in Sullivan County, NY believe in feeding to help prevent starvation of animals & birds.
Years ago we believed in the DEC’s policy, ‘let nature take its course & it will take care of wildlife for the existing habitat available’. Since back then, the existing habitat has changed, we lost most of our farmers & loggers who supplied the main source of food for wildlife. Development has & is coming in at a rapid pace, creating less & less habitat for wildlife. If we don’t feed wildlife when they need food and can’t find anything, we will lose them.
We all have a concern about Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) and the effect it may have on the deer herd. Many of us here in Sullivan County have been feeding deer for the past 40-yearsand no detection ever of CWD, it is obvious CWD is not coming from the food we feed deer.
We also know that an infected deer in a mass gathering of deer, could pass the disease through saliva from one deer to another. But we also know deer will eat close together with other deer on clover, green grass, food plots, browse & etc. And we all know deer groom each other by licking the face of other deer. It is impossible to stop an infected deer from passing the disease to another deer. The question arises, why must we stop feeding our healthy deer?
I believe CWD is natures way of controlling the deer population and we have no choice except to let it take its course. When humans get a contagious disease, do we stop feeding them to avoid the disease from spreading to others?
In some states, their solution to try to contain the spreading of CWD in the deer herd, is to shoot & kill every deer in an infected area, even healthy deer. I guess using this method of killing every deer wherever CWD occurs, you won’t have to worry about CWD. The sad part is eventually the entire deer herd will be destroyed. To destroy our deer herd is not the solution, let CWD take its course and what will be, will be.
People will not stop feeding deer & wildlife and watch them starve to death. Besides the DEC does not have the man-power or finances to enforce a ban on feeding. Here in Sullivan County we have a County Judge that understands this and the will of the people. He has ruled that the ban on feeding deer is unconstitutional and we are allowed to feed deer & wildlife in our county.
Supporting the judge’s decision is the Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs of Sullivan County, representing around 90 clubs and 12,000 sportsmen, along with anti-hunting people, animal lovers, the Audubon Society and the general public.
The will of the people will prevail and when it comes to life or death, they will choose to feed all wildlife to help prevent starvation. We think it is about time the NY DEC realizes this and conforms to the will of the people in New York State.
Respectfully Yours,
CC: Senator Jen Metzger
Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther
• Chairman of the Sullivan County Legislators Luis Alvarez
• Sullivan County Judge Frank LaBuda
• Assemblyman Steve Englebright