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Nobody would disagree that Baltimore, Maryland has a huge problem when it comes to violent crime. After all, the city recently surpassed 300 homicides for the fifth year in a row, and violent criminals seem to act with impunity on the city’s streets on a daily basis. Now, Baltimore officials think they have a plan; sue gun makers for the gang violence in the city.
I’ve got some bad news for these politicians hoping to hold gun manufacturers accountable for the actions of criminals; it’s not going to work. The Supreme Court allowed the case against Remington to go forward based on one solitary claim that’s going to be difficult for plaintiffs to prove in court; that Remington’s advertising and marketing somehow inspired the mass murderer in Newtown, Connecticut to commit his atrocities.
For Baltimore to pursue similar litigation against gun manufacturers, they’d have to show that gang members and drug dealers wreaking havoc in the city have all been inspired by the advertising of gun companies. I don’t know about you, but I’ve never been tempted to engage in a drive-by or kill someone in a drug deal because of an advertisement I saw in Guns & Ammo.
I’ve got some bad news for these politicians hoping to hold gun manufacturers accountable for the actions of criminals; it’s not going to work. The Supreme Court allowed the case against Remington to go forward based on one solitary claim that’s going to be difficult for plaintiffs to prove in court; that Remington’s advertising and marketing somehow inspired the mass murderer in Newtown, Connecticut to commit his atrocities.
For Baltimore to pursue similar litigation against gun manufacturers, they’d have to show that gang members and drug dealers wreaking havoc in the city have all been inspired by the advertising of gun companies. I don’t know about you, but I’ve never been tempted to engage in a drive-by or kill someone in a drug deal because of an advertisement I saw in Guns & Ammo.

Baltimore Wants To Sue Gun Makers Over Gang Violence