so the liberals have had the 9th circuit court for years, pres. trump fixed it, now schumer has an erection over it and, once again wants to move the goal posts AND change the rules, lol
honestly, i don't think the country is on board with this idea
"The formation of Biden’s commission has progressive groups that favor expanding the court skeptical that they’ll get their wish, Politico said.
“Commissions are often places where ideas go to die and there is no time on the clock to reform the court,” Aaron Belkin of Take Back the Court told the website."
Joe Xiden isn't doing shit... He's just a figure head... He's a puppet... And a window licker too.
Who is really making the decisions? Who is actually pulling the strings?
It will be the same thing when that slut, Heels Up Harris.
Gets installed as the next illegitimate President.