.475 A&M Magnum
Right here, in post #153
No! I didnt say I have right to work for anyone !
Right here, in post #153
business policy's decreed by a retarded owner doesnt give him the protection of law to violate my body
Ok, so you admit you don't have a right to the job.No! I didnt say I have right to work for anyone !
And that’s fine. It’s your business, and your call to make. Why do you think you can dictate policy for someone else’s business?If I opened a business, I would never force an employee to alter his body .
My body!! re -read!
yikes, no body is violating your rights, YOU HAVE CHOICE, pretty simple really
right! My body.BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, riiiight
So, using the power of the purse to force some guys to fix trucks for you all day is tyrannical oppressive behavior ?100% correct! They can ask! No problems there. But firing them for refusing your request to altering thier body is way over the top.
Useing the power of the purse to force people to do what they dont want to do is tyrannical oppressive behavior .
""the choice""is forced. Dont you see that?
So, using the power of the purse to force some guys to fix trucks for you all day is tyrannical oppressive behavior ?
you keep confusing government mandates with private enterprise, two completely different things
you have the freedom to eat the shit sandwhich if you like , nobodys forceing you to eat it, or you can stay and have the shit soup , but Im not forceing you do either, its your choice . If you dont like it you can go somewhere else where they will tell you the same thing
let me get this straight?...
A vaccination is good but there is an incentive to avoid vaccination and get paid for doing nothing? With so many unethical people a lot of people are going to take the paid vacation and avoid work.
What if you just make them do brake jobs and oil changes when they'd rather be out fishing ?if you force them against thier will to dress as show girls , Id say yes.
Who gets to decide what work the job is ?One is work one isnt.
That is a tough one because an inmunitiation program only works if enough people get the antibodies and that happens if you a) get a vaccine b) get the virus and produce it naturally that can take ages.No not the case at all. the person is not refuseing to work. Hes being fired for refuseing a vaccination against his will.
Youre kidding right?Ah OK so you support a company's right to force people to ingest whatever chemicals they deem necessary. I'm sure if they said you must ingest Clorox into your veins at Trump's recommendation, you'd support that too! You can't compare wearing safety equipment to forced vaccination. Not even on the same planet.
I swear Biden could end the NFA and give us 50 state CCW and you guys would find a way to piss and moan about it like it was a bad thing.
"You guys" was a reference to the people in the thread. No particular political party involved. Not sure where I said or implied I am a leftist. I despise the left.Youre kidding right?
A private business owner can make their own rules.
They arent forcing you to do anything.
You can leave anytime.
If my boss told me to put Clorox in my veins I would say NO, quit and find a new job.....because im not a snowflake pussy.
You have us wrong here buddy.
If Biden does something good, everyone here will say so, we arent leftist hate mongers.
You leftists say Trump did NOTHING right, it made you guys sound simple.
Leftist politicians said his 3 Nobel Peace nominations PROVED he was bad.
Leftists said that nominating constitutionalist judges to the SCOTUS was unconstitutional!!
Leftists said giving 800 million dollars to inner cities wad racist.
Leftists said baning travel to several Muslim nations was Xenophobic...... the same countries you lord and savior Obama named.
I dont wanna hear " you guys would find a way to piss and moan about it like it was a bad thing"........thats a laugh after 4 years of "orange man bad" and TDS.
I apologize, I just assumed you were a leftist."You guys" was a reference to the people in the thread. No particular political party involved. Not sure where I said or implied I am a leftist. I despise the left.