.475 A&M Magnum
gender affirming care = a life time cash cow for big Pharma. Im talking hundreds of thousands of dollars per MENTALLY ILL patient
mental illness alert, watch if you dare.
Just... Wow. So here's my take. There are plenty of completely valid, reasonable, and decently written LAWS that forbid discrimination in the workplace. Anyone can apply, those whose backgrounds and aptitude will be considered, and after the interview process, the most qualified will be forwarded a job offer. Multicolored hair or flamboyant attire notwithstanding. I have been part of many Panel interviews for a wide range of positions posted at my company, and NOT ONE SINGLE APPLICANT who has been asked to interview has been an over the top transgender person by expression or outward appearance. NOT ONE. So it begs the question, where the fuck are they all, and how is it that they somehow need special protections? First off, if I were to have such a person interview and despite them being highly qualified I rejected them out of hand, HR would be asking me some pretty uncomfortable questions. Second, if I expressed misgivings to a co-worker or fellow Panel member because of bias unrelated to the persons qualifications and they reported it to HR, they would be asking me some pretty uncomfortable questions. Everyone I work with has pretty similar views, and yet we have no one like that working for the company. Why is that? My guess only, but maybe it's because most of these hysterical transgender activists have significant mental issues to begin with, and simply are not capable or qualified to fulfill the responsibilities and expectations of the jobs most of the rest of us do on a regular basis. Am I wrong?
nope, I think you nailed it.
The key to your post is this
"My guess only, but maybe it's because most of these hysterical transgender activists have significant mental issues to begin with, and simply are not capable or qualified to fulfill the responsibilities and expectations of the jobs"
It's probably just industry bias. I work in an industry that requires generally a fair amount of experience and I've worked with trans people and even been managed by them without issue. So I wouldn't agree on your logic.Just... Wow. So here's my take. There are plenty of completely valid, reasonable, and decently written LAWS that forbid discrimination in the workplace. Anyone can apply, those whose backgrounds and aptitude will be considered, and after the interview process, the most qualified will be forwarded a job offer. Multicolored hair or flamboyant attire notwithstanding. I have been part of many Panel interviews for a wide range of positions posted at my company, and NOT ONE SINGLE APPLICANT who has been asked to interview has been an over the top transgender person by expression or outward appearance. NOT ONE. So it begs the question, where the fuck are they all, and how is it that they somehow need special protections? First off, if I were to have such a person interview and despite them being highly qualified I rejected them out of hand, HR would be asking me some pretty uncomfortable questions. Second, if I expressed misgivings to a co-worker or fellow Panel member because of bias unrelated to the persons qualifications and they reported it to HR, they would be asking me some pretty uncomfortable questions. Everyone I work with has pretty similar views, and yet we have no one like that working for the company. Why is that? My guess only, but maybe it's because most of these hysterical transgender activists have significant mental issues to begin with, and simply are not capable or qualified to fulfill the responsibilities and expectations of the jobs most of the rest of us do on a regular basis. Am I wrong?