.950 JDJ
This is actually a bit scary. I don’t mind the minorities moving in. There’s a black guy down the street from me and it pisses of the old racist demonrat that lives across the street from me. I hate her. I’m glad she doesn’t like it. Her son who is white is the only neighbor I don’t like. He’s a drug addict and drives high all the time. His car looks like a demolition derby car. This is just not right and these suburbs can’t afford it. The feds can’t tell us what to do in our small cities. I’m sure my city right outside of Buffalo, on a bus route, and right off the thruway will be a prime target for this. I live a few houses off the main drag and I could see them putting one of these tall towers right next to my house. Fuck that!!

Joe Biden’s disastrous plans for America’s suburbs
If you live in the suburbs or you’re a city dweller eyeing a move to a quiet cul-de-sac where your kids can play outside, you need to know about Joe Biden’s plan for a federal takeover of local zon…