Dr. Evil
20×102mm Vulcan

“It’s not about court-packing,” Biden said in response to a question at the time. “There’s a number of other things that our constitutional scholars have debated. … The last thing we need to do is turn the Supreme Court into just a political football, whoever has the most votes gets whatever they want. Presidents come and go. Supreme Court justices stay for generations.”
The way it's written they can increase the size, but they can't remove any justices.One would think that for one branch of government to change the other, it would require a constitutional amendment, not just the passing fancy of politics. If one branch can change the size of the supreme court then what is stopping it from just dissolving it entirely?
Stevie Wonder could have seen it coming. They pretty much told us what they were going to do well before the "election". Only if they got called out on it did they even attempt to deny itAmazing how Trump predicted every single thing Biden would do. Come after the guns, open the borders, shutdown the pipeline, pack the Courts. All of it!
He’s going full retard, communist, mother fucker.
But, but, mah bumpstocks.....And we all know people that supported this asshole and his Mutt sidekick.
Levin was talking about this .. The lawfare lawyer that got a lot of the election rules changed so biden could win is heading up this committee .The way it's written they can increase the size, but they can't remove any justices.
If they decided to reduce the size of the court I'm pretty sure it wouldn't take effect until someone retired.
I very much feel like a passenger on the Titanic warning of the coming iceberg.We're obviously smarter than most because everything we talked about is already coming true. It's so obvious and predictable what the left is going to do and what their plans are. If most of us can figure out why are there so many dumb people in this country who are too obtuse to see it themselves. Wtf.
We've all been yelling from the rooftops what was coming but no one listens or cares until it's too late.
If our track record of accurate predictions continue it's going to be one really crappy few years we're in for.
I very much feel like a passenger on the Titanic warning of the coming iceberg.
Meanwhile the MSM and government "experts" drone on about "unsinkable" and claim that slowing down would be somehow racist.
Unfortunately seeing the disaster coming only helps so much. You can hang out closer to the life boats, but you're still going into the drink.
You are joking, right?The supreme court can request via de doj to investigate the corruption and subversive agendas inside the executive office.
This ia going to blow up on their faces. The supreme court can request via de doj to investigate the corruption and subversive agendas inside the executive office.