Or eating drivel from people that can't show why the made the statement.
Only a few are like that here.
Sorry YOU are to lazy to know history, specifically history if guns and gun control
Or eating drivel from people that can't show why the made the statement.
Only a few are like that here.
No one yet can show a law passed expressly stating blacks only; all people are caught up in the law, white, green, red(only sovereign so not so much), yellow, etc., please oh wise ones please in lighten me of your vast knowledge, so I might be as intelligent as you.
I see the intention but the outcome is we all got fucked.
Sorry YOU are to lazy to know history, specifically history if guns and gun control![]()
Imagine being this fucking ignorant
Still can't back up your bs.
Look into a mirror as of late?
For those that are google challenged. A quick google search yields that gun control started in California. You’re truly the NRA, supported the Mulford Act. The Muford Act was a law passed that banned open carry. It was in response to the Black Panthers open carrying in Oakland neighborhoods who were lawfully conducting armed patrols of Oakland neighborhoods, in what would later be termed copwatching. Governor Ronald Reagan, who was coincidentally present on the capitol lawn when the protesters arrived, later commented that he saw "no reason why on the street today a citizen should be carrying loaded weapons" and that guns were a "ridiculous way to solve problems that have to be solved among people of good will." In a later press conference, Reagan added that the Mulford Act "would work no hardship on the honest citizen."
It later spread to other cities and states with heavy, black populations.
Goes back way, way, WAY further than that.
Hell the Sullivan Act was geared to disarming immigrants (mostly Italians I believe?) and seriously predates the 1960's.
Weapons control generally goes back even further than the Sullivan Act. A lot further.
Not a knock on you, just saying if we're going to have the history discussion let's have the whole discussion.
News flash....
Gun ownership is up in every single demographic group. All of them. Rich, poor.. black and White, Asian, Hispanic. Inner city residents, country residents.
Another news flash... There have been infringements of gun Rights in all groups in the US as well. Race has had very little to do with the overall infringements here in the US. Nearly all walks of life have been infringed upon.
Again, stop making everything about race.