She’s not in that building.They want access to Lovely , I say let em .
She's already calling for no charges.With the current mayor of Rochester, Lovely Warren, there is no chance that the "protesters" will see any punishment. There is, however, a good chance they will receive a payout and a good chance that any white officer involved will be reprimanded, suspended, or fired.
She’s not in that building.
She’s not in that building.
If so, they’re pretty stupid. She’s in the county building with the county clerk and all that stuff. You can pretty much walk right in.I didn’t think so . Did I hear correctly that they were asking to see her ?
If so, they’re pretty stupid. She’s in the county building with the county clerk and all that stuff. You can pretty much walk right in.
It’s been a while since I’ve been there. Regardless, they’re in the wrong spot, by a long shot, if they’re looking for the mayor.City Hall is 30 Church Street. The County Office Building is 39 West Main Street. They're two blocks away from each other.
The old City Hall is at 30 West Broad Street, which is essentially the same building as 39 West Main. That move happened about 1975.
Even so, neither is near the Public Safety Building. They're about six blocks away.
While I dont disagree at some point you just get sick of their bullshit. These cops are likely working tons of overtime and have been spot at, called every name in the book, and have been bloodied by sticks, stones, bricks and whatever else they can throw at them. All this while being told to stand down and do nothing. Storm my house and they’d get worse.Arresting you for being an idiot? Not that I condone people storming a police station but that’s pretty unprofessional.
Enough with the hands up thing already. It is a false narrative from Michael Brown and is getting old.
White guilt is founded in racism. I was taught as a kid that nobody should ever be ashamed of their race. Funny how that lesson stuck with me but evidently a lot of people never got it.Well, one thing is I can't be labeled a racist (not that I care) for being extremely anti BLM. (aka Biden voters)
Because a big chunk of the fools (aka Biden voters) that support BLM's lawlessness are the same color as I am... White.
I never did get the "white guilt" thing. There is a good reason for that. It makes no fucking sense.
I work my ass off, I pay my own way... Anyone else here in America can do the same. I have nothing to feel guilty about.
Nor should any other white person... But, yet, here we are.
Many? Honestly not sure I can remember a single time they didn't start immediately with the first incorrect narrative they got.BLM ruins their credibility because many times they start their shit before any facts even come out.
They start their shit even when it is clearly a good shoot - self defense.
Actually they lost all credibility at the beginning with the false narrative of "hands up don't shoot."
Why anyone (politicians) gives BLM any credibility at this point is beyond me.
I work more hours in a day than they do in a year, ... I pay my own way ... I pay taxes ... I'm White Privileged ...
The white morons thatmarchwalk around with BLM are, well, the dumbest morons of all.
Nope. Just peaceful protestors.
When they got to the part with the windows it looked like a zombie movie unfolding. Just remember to aim for the head.