John Stark
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The Federal Reserve Announces Its First Big Step Towards a Digital Dollar
The Federal Reserve Bank of the United States has announced that it is launching an instant payment transfer service called “FedNow Service,” which has features of a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) and some analysts believe is the first big step towards a “digital dollar.” On Wednesday...
Some Highlights:
On Wednesday, within hours of our reporting that the Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank failures could spur renewed calls for the U.S. to implement a CBDC, the Federal Reserve announced that the U.S. is rolling out the FedNow instant payment transfer service in July.
“We couldn’t be more excited about the forthcoming FedNow launch, which will enable every participating financial institution, the smallest to the largest and from all corners of the country, to offer a modern instant payment solution,” said Ken Montgomery, first vice president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston and FedNow program executive. “With the launch drawing near, we urge financial institutions and their industry partners to move full steam ahead with preparations to join the FedNow Service.”
The report added that FedNow will “address a challenge that has plagued the financial industry worldwide for several decades: facilitating instant payments. Various players have come up with their own solutions, such as VISA (NASDAQ: V) and Mastercard (NASDAQ: MA), which have Direct and Send, respectively, to enable real-time payments.”
It points out that in the U.S., a collective of banks and payment processors known as The Clearing House runs real-time payments, adding that one of the emerging solutions to this challenge has been central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) to facilitate real-time payments. In the U.S., Fed chair Jerome Powell has dismissed the need for a digital dollar, and FedNow is his response to the call for a CBDC.
While there is currently no imminent plan for the Fed to implement a “digital dollar,” a House bill was filed in 2022 to authorize the Treasury to create one. Rep. Stephen Lynch (D-MA) was joined by four other members of Congress in filing the bill: Jesús Chuy Garcia, (D-IL), Ayanna Pressley, (D-MA), and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI).
“The electronic dollar, a virtual representation of a US dollar, would allow people to make payments using tokens on mobile phones or through cards versus cash,” Lucas Mearian of Computer World reported on the legislation.
“ECASH (electronic cash), as the bill calls it, would be a bearer instrument that wouldn’t require payment processing intermediaries, such as SWIFT, the world’s largest payment messaging network,” the report noted. “That means payments using ECASH would be near instantaneous — even across national borders — and processing fees would likely be dramatically reduced.”
The World Economic Forum supports the implementation of CBDCs to promote more inclusion and stability in the global digital economy. It cites America’s central bank, the Federal Reserve, as saying that if CBDC were to be introduced, it would be “the safest digital asset available to the general public, with no associated credit or liquidity risk.”
“The resilience of financial systems could also be boosted,” WEF adds. “If a natural disaster or the failure of a payments company made cash unavailable, a CBDC could provide a back-up, the International Monetary Fund says.”
As summed up by Thomas Jefferson in a letter to Samuel Kercheval in 1816, it is the tendency of government to grow more powerful and to corrupt society.
“And this is the tendency of all human governments. A departure from principle in one instance becomes a precedent for the second; that second for a third; and so on, till the bulk of society is reduced to be mere automatons of misery, to have no sensibilities left but for sinning and suffering,” Jefferson wrote.
Several points here.
Clearly the Fed is facilitating the complete takeover of payment processing, as indicated by the references to Visa, MasterCard, the Clearing House, and the SWIFT system, which it could be argued are banking cartels in their own right. Note how the Fed is "urging" financial institutions to join FedNow. That is a not-so-subtle hint to the existing cartels and infrastructure to "get with the program, there's a new sheriff in town."
Further, when the Fedscum banksters act like there is no scheme in the works to create a digital dollar, they are doing nothing more than telling us not to believe our own lying eyes. They are essentially taking over the entire banking system from what was, on paper at least, a nominally private financial endeavor that has at least a modicum of competition. Further, their new system is all about facilitating digital money, further undermining the use of cash, barter, or other financial instruments or means.
That the satanic globalist WEF is fully in support of this trend ought to be a huge Red Flag to anyone who cares about this nation. Does anyone believe the WEF when it is making the point that digital currency would be “the safest digital asset available to the general public, with no associated credit or liquidity risk?”
Forget their globalist ambitions for just one split second. Has there ever been such a thing as investing, or even saving, without risk? Whether its from making bad bets, holding assets too long despite clear warning signs on immenent devaluation, fraud, outright theft and robbery, the complete of failure nearly ALL technologies and strategies to guard and protect wealth (e.g., via armed guard, vaults, alarms, hidey holes, and so on) throughout history, it is a proven fact that investing or saving (whether storing wealth in someone else's vault or your own), ALWAYS carries the risk of loss of that wealth for various reasons.
This is nothing more than the next cog in the Machine meant to enslave us.
The goal is to eliminate portable wealth, in favor of only allowing wealth transfer through their digital gate keeping and tracking.
Don't believe it can't happen. China is already 85% or more there: almost no one in that communist shithole can buy or sell, get a job, rent an apartment or house, get in a cab or subway or a plane, or go anywhere, without their phone and the tracking that goes along with that.
That will be our fate here if we allow this cashless society to coalesce and ultimately usurp our Liberty.
"And he causes all, the small and the great, the rich and the poor, and the free and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, and he decrees that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark..."
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