My shop in NY was broken into twice. I locked the guns up each night when I closed in large safes. Called BATF and reported breakins. all they were interested in was if any guns were taken ant there were not any stolen.. They also broke into my locked desk and took bound books and recentely completed 4473 forms. I told feds that. Shortly after that I had an audit and didn't have much paperwork left. I was told it was Federal court or volunteer to turn over my FFL. which I did. They proceded to take info and serial numbers of all the guns I had in inventory and turned them over to me and told me to do what ever I wanted to do with them. They also told me to ship all the completed 4473's from previous yearsI had locked in a safe to the BAFT in Va. I told them to take them I was not shipping them. Never heard another thing from them and sold all the guns without a 4473.