Make them take Rosie, Madonna, Judd, Behar and all the "I'm going to leave the US" shitlebreties.
I read the executive order. Couldn't find the word "Muslim".
Am I not looking hard enough?
They spell it "terrorist".I read the executive order. Couldn't find the word "Muslim".
Am I not looking hard enough?
I'm not even concerned with the terrorism that much. We can't sustain these people. And it's NOT our job.
Amen, according to Fox News, 70%-80% of the illegal drugs in Chicago fueling that war zone come from Mexico, your odds are far greater getting killed or maimed by a gang member than a terrorist, or getting hit by a drunk driving illegal, than a terrorist.
Time to build the ramparts, fill the moat and say "we're full" at least for now.
And now Trump got the KGB agent that released that fake dossier killed via Putin!?
That's it, can't take one more iota of FaceBook tonight.
Can't do it. Simply can't do it.
Have you heard this one!?Wow, so one cannot find civility and objectivity on Facebook anymore? shocking!
Have you heard this one!?
The same people that went out of their way to ignore Hillary's so often mysterious disappearances that a meme was made about the situation.
They take this as absolute fact.
Extreme vetting IS NOTHING NEW!
When my grandparents immigrated here over 100 years ago they came through Ellis Island. Nobody there said, 'welcome to the land of milk and honey'. No siree!
They had to endure a complete physical and were returned to their native land if they were determined to have anything contagious. Or at the very least quarantined.
They had to provide the name and address with a letter from their sponsor who would make sure they at least had a place to stay until they became settled. If this immigration law was not followed they would be returned to their native land.
If those two requirements were met they had to show documentation that they had employment secured before entry was permitted. If not they were returned to their native land.
Why, in this day and age when the threats against our citizens exist shouldn't we take the same albeit varied precautions that our ancestors took well over 100 years ago?