What scares me is that you can never really tell what someone will do with power until they actually get it.
But a lot of rhetoric from the left matches the rhetoric of leftists past. History shows that once they vanquish the opposition, rhey get increasingly brutal.
Their policies just don't work in the real world, but they will never admit it. They will straight up murder anyone who suggests otherwise.
Most people don't realize the extent of .Gov murder committed, especially by leftist governments...
This guy studied this during his career - he is dead now - Rudolph Rummel - Wikipedia -
He defined things more stringently than most - actually differentiating between genocide and what he termed "democide", namely -
"It is the premeditated killing of a person in cold blood, or causing the death of a person through reckless and wanton disregard for their life. Thus, a government incarcerating people in a prison under such deadly conditions that they die in a few years is murder by the state--democide--as would parents letting a child die from malnutrition and exposure be murder. So would government forced labor that kills a person within months or a couple of years be murder. So would government created famines that then are ignored or knowingly aggravated by government action be murder of those who starve to death. And obviously, extrajudicial executions, death by torture, government massacres, and all genocidal killing be murder. However, judicial executions for crimes that internationally would be considered capital offenses, such as for murder or treason (as long as it is clear that these are not fabricated for the purpose of executing the accused, as in communist show trials), are not democide. Nor is democide the killing of enemy soldiers in combat or of armed rebels, nor of noncombatants as a result of military action against military targets."
The middle ground of people killed by democide is 110,000,000. This does not include the Nazis because he considered that genocide.
This is why I don't trust ANYTHING said by any government - sooner or later most will turn tyrannical and start killing people.
Note that he only includes data up to 1987.