20×102mm Vulcan

Chinese Method For Growing Veggies Year-Round in Frigid Canada Really Works–And Has No Heating Costs
Fresh Pal Farms in Alberta Canada is growing heaps of produce even in-31 degree temperatures thanks to Chinese passive solar greenhouses.

A Chinese agronomist has helped Canadian greenhouse technology move forward, curiously by moving backward.
Dong Jianyi uses only materials and the laws of thermodynamics to grow cucumbers, peppers, lettuce, tomatoes, and more—even in the frigid Alberta winter—all without using a single watt.
A geologist who abandoned the oil industry due to crashing oil prices, Dong Jianyi’s Fresh Pal Farms is believed to be the largest “passive greenhouse” in Canada.
“In north China, it also gets really cold and pretty dark in winter, but people can grow year-round,” Dong told CBC. “Where I lived in China, there were so many passive solar greenhouses. But in Canada, I didn’t see any on the commercial scale,” he said.
Growing vegetables in China’s cold north necessitates innovation, and passive greenhouses which don’t use electricity are common in that part of the country.