Dr. Evil
20×102mm Vulcan
Erased: Trump Moves on Obama Legacy, Americans Cheer as What He's Reversing
He certainly does what he says he is going to do.
He certainly does what he says he is going to do.
Erased: Trump Moves on Obama Legacy, Americans Cheer as What He's Reversing
He certainly does what he says he is going to do.
Trump isn't chipping away at Obummer's legacy, he's fixing his mistakes.
Barry earned his legacy, and nothing Trump does will take away from that. It wasn't easy being the worst president this nation has ever seen, it wasn't easy running up crippling debt, it wasn't easy destabilising the rest of the middle east or fostering terrorism or destroying europe or wrecking police - community relations, but that's what Obozo worked for and its what he will be remembered by.