Of course they dont want to hear the truth. They'd rather just stand there with their dick stranglers shoved in their ears LA LA LA LA LA LA LA Cant hear you, than to be responsible for their moronic actions, bullshit policies, and false information. Fuck you dems. Fuck every one of you. Fuck you Nancy, Chuck, and most of all dick smoker Cuomo.
Everyone put your cards on the table and stick to your guns. Don't cave in or back out of it Now.
Under no circumstance do I want to see President Trump cave on this.
Fuck these democrats. They would rather run our country into the ground and jeopardize our well being and country. We're in a state of emergency and political war. Build the wall and secure the border.
So most people have to sit through and listen to meetings at work that they don’t want to. Even the leftist cunts that will go against anything trump says should probably be paying attention and attending these briefings so that they can stay informed as supposed representatives of the people. I just see this as some asshats refusing to do their job.
This is it right here... The Democrats have drawn a line in the sand...
It's time to cross that line and see what they are made of...
This is the time to test the Democrat politicians and their supporters resolve...
This is the time to hold our line at all costs...
The Democrats have never really had to dig their heels in and fight for a long time now.
As we all know, the Republicans always just roll over, every single time.
President Trump must build the wall... Use the military if need be --- ( National Security )
If he does that, it pretty much guarantees a 2nd term for President Trump... IMHO
President Trump must hold firm on this issue... No compromise! ... Fuck the traitorous Democrats...
They have had their way for far to long... Put Pelosi and Schumer in a, lose, lose, situation, it can be done.
For once,,, make the Democrats fight... Challenge them... Make them bleed...
Lets see what they are really made of...
Their true resolve has not been tested in a long, long, time.
The turd world invasion MUST be stopped at all costs.
The time is now,,, that the Democrats and their Free Shit Army needs to get knocked down a peg or 10.