.450/400 Nitro Ex
As the title says I'm considering getting an ankle holster for my Glock 43. Any suggestions?
Depends how fat you are...
Why ankle I may ask?
You'll be able to hide whatever you want wherever you want under the judge robe!
You could carry a Mossberg Shockwave under that robe, no problem.
Under that you want a Sleeve gun - WikipediaWithout a doubt. But I'd have to lift up those robes to access it. Maybe I'm wrong, but wouldn't that be no different that doing the ankle holster?
Ankle carry is fast when sitting. Faster then if on your waist.
ankle is still faster while sitting. Even more so on a seatbelt is on.No. Appendix carry while sitting is a much better option that is absolutely faster than ankle carry. The problem lies If you're out of shape with excess belly fat hanging over your waistline, then everything is going to suck in life. Loose some weight people!
ankle is still faster while sitting. Even more so on a seatbelt is on.
Just your opinion.ankle is still faster while sitting. Even more so on a seatbelt is on.
It’s a fact depending on the person and what he is wearing. Sit in your truck wearing a coat with the seatbelt on and time it both ways. Some may have to remove the seatbelt and push the coat up to be able to access it. If on the ankle, you just reach for it.Just your opinion.
It’s a fact depending on the person and what he is wearing. Sit in your truck wearing a coat with the seatbelt on and time it both ways. Some may have to remove the seatbelt and push the coat up to be able to access it. If on the ankle, you just reach for it.
My post that you quoted doesn’t say it to be an absolute fact.Depending on the person, what he is wearing, amount of training etc...
So there are many variables involved. And you still say it's an absolute fact.
Followed be depending.When you start a statement with the words "It's a fact"... Ah wtf never mind.