.338 Win Mag

Structural problems on Mario Cuomo bridge were covered up
A Times Union investigation raises questions about the structural integrity of the Gov....

Oh, and before I forget..... FUAC
If it fell down during rush hour on a Monday morning, Monkeyface would still have killed more people in nursing homes than on the bridge.It that I want anyone to get hurt but I’d smile if it fell down and no one died or got hurt. So say if falls down at 4am on a Sunday and no one dies I’ll be smiling Monday morning.
The Mothman would knowI seem to be remembering a place called Pt. Pleasant, WV.
Mom must be so proudstructural failures on dad's bridge and structural/mental failures with both son's
If ya think about it, everything is "moms" fault.Mom must be so proud
I know. I just don’t really want to see people get hurt.If it fell down during rush hour on a Monday morning, Monkeyface would still have killed more people in nursing homes than on the bridge.
Yeah, she shoulda swallowed...If ya think about it, everything is "moms" fault.
Look at what she went and did. Look at what she did to the American people.
Not only is one of her turds "Party Tits" in a seat of power.
Her other turd "Fredo" is a lead propagandist on the leading fake news network.
Mario is equally to blame... Look at what you have done Mario... You shmuck.
Holy shit! I remember when a bridge on the thruway over the schoharie creek collapsed. My future wife had gone over that bridge just a couple weeks prior to the collapse because her folks lived near amsterdam. I am very glad I don't have to use the cuomo bridge.If it falls down I'll start calling it the Cuomo bridge.
Engineering Experts: Cuomo Bridge 'Could Collapse Without Notice'
A new report alleges structural dangers on the Mario M. Cuomo Bridge were covered up and more. State officials responded to the shocking allegations.hudsonvalleypost.com