.308 Win
See what you started Goya?
I'm full of Doom and GloomSee what you started Goya?
How is that a strawman?
There is absolutely no denying that crossbows are easier to use and people who use them harvest deer at a higher rate than vertical bow users do. This has been proven.
The specific area I'm in has seen a drastic decrease in the number of deer over the past 15 years. The DEC continues to issue permits to drive down numbers. I can only assume that other parts of the unit still have a high deer population. The ~150 acres we hunt on certainly doesn't house the same number it used to. Since we're very close to ~900 acres of state land (basically across the road), the taking of more deer is concerning to me.
You assume that everyone who uses a crossbow will fill their tags. One of the great things about bowhunting is the absolute unnerving effect a deer has on a person at the range we shoot at. It is no different with a crossbow. Not everyone is going to fill their tags just because they have switched to using a crossbow. We also have had a big reduction in deer numbers, but, it doesn't mean there are less chances to fill tags, you just have to work harder. Which I don't mind one bit. Just because a new weapon is introduced doesn't mean that opportunity will go down. Fact is, it is often the other way around, opportunity increases. If it gets one more hunter into the field to enjoy our sport, who are we to complain about it?
I don't think every crossbow hunter will fill their tags. However, crossbow hunters have more of a chance of filling their tags. This is a fact. When states start to allow crossbows, more deer are taken. Success rates in MI were 6% higher for crossbow users in the first season they could be used. As years go by, more people are likely to acquire them and more people are going to get more proficient. The success rate will be even higher in later years.
Even if you work harder, less deer mean there is less of a chance to fill your tags. There are only X number of deer to go around. 15 years ago, I used to see 10 or 12 deer, every single night. Now, I'm lucky if I see one. I don't mind working harder, and I usually fill my bow tag. It's getting to the point where it's pretty ridiculous though. I've gotten to the point where I get the extra doe tags just so other people can't. I have no intent on using them.
I've shot crossbows before. They are easy to use and I don't think shooting them accurately requires much skill. People can become a decent shot very quickly once it is sighted in. IMO, they have no business in the normal archery season.
Your right, they don't belong in archery season, and archery season shouldn't be more than 3 weeks long, so give the other 3 weeks to crossbow. Personally, i'm not sure how your thinking works on this. If the deer take gets too high, they reduce the number of tags, you don't really believe they'd kill the golden goose do you? I take the same number of deer every year, and have done so at this location for 22 years. And the number is far more than 100 deer taken in that 22 years. Hasn't hurt the population all that much. People all complained about letting us hunt with rifles, oh, golly people will be getting shot, and all the deer will be killed off. Didn't happen. It's past time you bowhunters got over the fact that there are other people who wish to hunt, and not with a bow..
Dude that's pretty screwed up considering more people then you think use those to put meat on the table especially in the left behind areas of this shit hole state.I've gotten to the point where I get the extra doe tags just so other people can't. I have no intent on using them.
Dude that's pretty screwed up considering more people then you think use those to put meat on the table especially in the left behind areas of this shit hole state.
As a tradition we try to fill at least 2 or 3 doe tags for the food bank donation every year (we have 4 hunters in the house) but we mainly hunt 3M and if you cant fill doe tags here your not trying or just smell real badI can assure you that the people that rely on the deer (which was my family growing up) get their tags. In fact, there are still leftover tags in the unit I hunt in. (Then why get tags just to make sure they don't get filled?) . And, if they don't get the tags, they will shoot the deer anyways (as they should feeding the fam take priority over the kings game)
I was actually against the expanding of bow season when it happened years ago. The 4 weeks they used to give was plenty. I think the deer population the DEC targets is way too low for the area I hunt in. You are crazy if you think the DEC knows what the Hell they are doing.
IMO, firearms season is for people to fill tags easily. Bow season is supposed to be a challenge. Same with muzzleloader season. I don't have a muzzleloader (yet), but I would be fine with them limiting certain things about that as well,just like other states do.
Dude that's pretty screwed up considering more people then you think use those to put meat on the table especially in the left behind areas of this shit hole state.