The problem in NYS is the same problem as the nation.
Uneducated, politically ignorant voters.
MOST democratic voters have no clue about politics or policies, they just vote in huge blocks,ie, blacks, gays, vegetarians, pro-abortion.........
Whereas, republicans are more politically educated and policy oriented.
Just go to youtube and watch videos of rallies and protests.
100% of the time you can tell how someone votes by their answers to questions.
These days most lib/dems only know one thing, Trump must go.
At this moment MOST liberals have no clue about our economy, the low unemployment, the fall of ISIS.........
2020 is going to be interesting.
These people who dont know who won the Civil War and cannot point to the United States on a world map, will be voting in droves for ANYONE the left puts up.
(Yes, I saw a video of an NYU senior who could not point to the USA on a map. She was a Bernie supporter.)
I agree that many minorities,ie, blacks, gays....are coming over to the republican side. I was talking more about historic voting blocks. Things are changing, but change is slow.I agree with you with the exception of two things. The voters. I think some blacks are wising up and voting republican. Most blacks political ideology aligns with republicans anyway. Young voters will not vote like we think. I’ve seen many polls say they will vote 15-30% of the time. Now they could surprise us and vote in a huge drive or that could be why the gun control shit bags are trying to sign up voters at every event. Kind of makes sense. They need them to move further left.
MOST democratic voters have no clue about politics or policies, they just vote in huge blocks,ie, blacks, gays, vegetarians, pro-abortion.........
Whereas, republicans are more politically educated and policy oriented.
Im just speaking from my personal experience and things ive seen on youtube and small media groups.I'm sorry, but I have to disagree with this.
Republicans are easily as clueless about actual politics or policies as democrats. Both sides tend to vote Party first and focus almost exclusively on specific Party politics: abortion, religion, homosexuality/lifestyle choices, race, guns, etc.
I do believe that we are starting to see a turn-around with regard to knowledgeable voting. I think both Parties have gotten so polarized and extreme that the majority of voters have started looking at what is going on and seeking alternatives. I would not be surprised to start seeing higher "Independent" votes cast in upcoming elections, assuming the Candidate is of a more central position and not, like the recent Democratic upset with the socialist candidate, an even more extreme position.
This state's history as one of the most corrupt is very long and well documented. The press has demonized Republicans to such an extent we are essentially a one party state at many levels. How Cuomo avoids being indicted is beyond me. Every day there is another reason to push me towards moving.