.357 mag
I see your
and raise you 

Whoever is cuomos speechwriter is an unwitting genius.
Then GTFO. Seriously why stay. Just leave.New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D.) slammed President Donald Trump's "Make America Great Again" slogan on Wednesday, saying the country was "never that great" in the first place.
Speaking at an event for women and girls, Cuomo appeared to stun the crowd when he made the remark.
"We're not going to make America great again," Cuomo said. "It was never that great."
Some in the audience gasped and laughed in surprise.
Audience Awkwardly Reacts When Cuomo Slams Trump’s MAGA Slogan, Says America ‘Was Never That Great’
FUAC is already walking back that statement:
In a subsequent statement, Cuomo spokeswoman Dani Lever said Cuomo was expressing his disagreement with Trump's positions.
"The governor believes America is great and that her full greatness will be fully realized when every man, woman, and child has full equality," Lever said. "America has not yet reached its maximum potential."
"The governor believes America is great and that her full greatness will be fully realized when every man, woman, and child has full equality," Lever said. "America has not yet reached its maximum potential."
And a spit ..... unworthy of a swallow. How is it that this traitor is allowed to breath?Shame on his Mother...he should have been a blow job.
I can't wait to see that video on CNN, that's going to be sooooo... Oh wait, nevermind.
Hopefully THIS will SEAL HIS FATE I HOPE. hope all others see what a lost cause he is and remember all his other BS like Straws and cups and all that crap he tries to Ptrotect ourselves from!!!!
No. It is evidence of America willing to admit, and tolerate, unadulterated idiocy and unabashed morons.LMAO. Cuomo. So humble.
"My family is evidence of American greatness."
The gallows and a lynch mob .......What's left to remove this Tyrant?