20×102mm Vulcan
i see this as good and bad .. where i work they want us to schedule our vacation days we want by the end of april not knowing what days we will or not be working .. what holidays we will to have to work or not ... will stop the boss from saying i messed up the schedule for next week and tells you a day before you need to come in on day you had off and made plans because of there mess up .. let the boss cover it ..
where i work .. for the last i say 3 to 4 yrs we had to work on a holiday to get paid holiday pay .. time and a 1/2 ... while another dept at the same place got there normal hourly pay for the day and stayed home .. I just got back this yr having the holiday off and get paid ...
where i work .. for the last i say 3 to 4 yrs we had to work on a holiday to get paid holiday pay .. time and a 1/2 ... while another dept at the same place got there normal hourly pay for the day and stayed home .. I just got back this yr having the holiday off and get paid ...