Grandpa use to shoot the cigar out of grandma's dentures with a .30-30 . These two are lightweights.
Are you sure she is a real blonde?Not a fan of blondes, but I dug the tomb raider outfit.
Who would want to do th... ok thanks.
I thought you were one lucky guy. You couldn't let me imagine could you?Be careful it's addicting even the wife has the app. Not for the girls but the humor.
I said the something and I got the eye roll.I thought you were one lucky guy. You couldn't let me imagine could you?
Damn.I said the something and I got the eye roll.
Does he have chicks with big boobs in his videos? If so, I'm on it.Not quite as impressive as the couple guys that do even more tricky shots with single action revolvers, like Bob Munden, but very cool anyways.
on Many levels!
Um, no.....Does he have chicks with big boobs in his videos? If so, I'm on it.
Grandpa use to shoot the cigar out of grandma's dentures with a .30-30 . These two are lightweights.