I'm a survivor of so many assaults, so many racial attacks, so many police encounters, so many unwanted touchings, so many offensive language shoutings, I can't count... OMG...
I'm permanently affected, I think I should write a book too! Anyone can!
There is private publishing companies that cost very little to publish Your Own book. You can even get those funny little library tracking numbers too to make it official. I've actually assisted publishing a friends book (private sales).
But let's call it what it is, a "money grab"... And they're being tools for the progressive agenda, there's nothing more! They'll wake up some day feeling dirty, used and abused. In the meantime all those kool-aid drinkers will gobbled it up, to a point. I wonder how many books will be bought by Bloomberg and handed out for free at rally's, like Clinton's book... LMAO!