.308 Win
Yes, but it does it count if your grandkids have to finish the job?
Others may take longer, but my point is still quite relevant.
Yes, but it does it count if your grandkids have to finish the job?
USAA did not ask for serial numbers for my homeowners rider. Renter insurance may differ. USAA has full time staff addressing security and privacy, you can give them a call. I trust my county sheriff and judges but I would trust USAA more than some NY counties or the state with my serial numbers. It is bad business for a company to screw with customers. Some politicians and beaurocrats, however, may not enthusiastically care as much about your s/n privacy.
@Snappo I have USAA and I have been wanting to add my guns to my renters insurance but feel weird about giving them serial numbers Etc.. Any thoughts on this? Is it worth it? I know I can ask them, but in your opinion do you think they take privacy regarding guns seriously?
I had a guy working on my house about 5 years ago that told me a weird story. He had a man cave on his main floor with a gun safe. He bolted the back of the safe to the 2x4's in his wall. The robbers cut around his safe with a chain saw, pushed it through, and stole the wall and the safe in a pickup truck and drove away. Bizarre story, eh?
@Snappo it should be attached as a valuable personal property rider to your homeowners policy. Consider this, if you had no homeowners policy with that company there ain't no way they're issuing you a valuable personal property policy as a stand alone policy. It HAS to be attached to something. Your personal umbrella policy is a liability policy whereas your homeowners policy is a property and casualty policy. That is where the protection comes from.
Others may take longer, but my point is still quite relevant.
@Snappo it should be attached as a valuable personal property rider to your homeowners policy. Consider this, if you had no homeowners policy with that company there ain't no way they're issuing you a valuable personal property policy as a stand alone policy. It HAS to be attached to something. Your personal umbrella policy is a liability policy whereas your homeowners policy is a property and casualty policy. That is where the protection comes from.
This is also relevant then?
State Farm will issue a stand alone, personal property policy based on the value of the item(s) you wish to insure. I was looking for a policy for my drone. My company said they had nothing that would cover it. Someone recommended State Farm. I called the local office and they issued me a policy that day. I had to list the make, model and value. The drone was worth $700 and the policy ran $60/year. It covered theft as well as accidental breakage as well as fly-offs. I asked at the time what else they would insure and was told, just about anything.
Graffunder. Made in USA.The new house I'm getting ready to build is going to have poured walls and ceiling gun room. Does anyone have a recommendation for a safe door? The game plan is to pour the opening for a specific door. Until I have the money for that door I will frame it up with a steel exterior door.