At least this time it was a DemonCrap that got hurt.
The stupid is that, as far as I know, the Red Cross has not taught the Heimlich maneuver in years; they disowned it. At least since I had my last re-cert in CPR/First Aid at the first responders level almost 7 years ago - I'm NOT a first responder, I just wanted to do everything.
So, just wish he had really pulled harder and punctured a lung.........
McCaskill suffers cracked rib after Manchin performs Heimlich maneuver on her
The stupid is that, as far as I know, the Red Cross has not taught the Heimlich maneuver in years; they disowned it. At least since I had my last re-cert in CPR/First Aid at the first responders level almost 7 years ago - I'm NOT a first responder, I just wanted to do everything.
So, just wish he had really pulled harder and punctured a lung.........
McCaskill suffers cracked rib after Manchin performs Heimlich maneuver on her