20×102mm Vulcan
Devin Nunes Has a Warning for AG Bill Barr: Without Prosecutions None “will trust the FBI or DOJ for generations”…
HPSCI ranking member Devin Nunes has a deliberate warning to U.S. Attorney Bill Barr, and the Department of Justice should take it very seriously.
In a 30 minute podcast interview last week [Listen Here] Representative Nunes rightly warns of massive political consequences if Justice Department officials don’t face jail time for their conduct during the Russia investigation. I strongly urge everyone to listen to the podcast.
♦ Phase One – November 2015 through April 2016: The first phase leading into ‘Spygate’ is the period of time where opposition research of the republican candidate field was taking place. It is in this period where Fusion-GPS hired CIA Open Source researcher Nellie Ohr, wife of DOJ-NSD official Bruce Ohr, to do research.
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Devin Nunes Has a Warning for AG Bill Barr: Without Prosecutions None “will trust the FBI or DOJ for generations”…
HPSCI ranking member Devin Nunes has a deliberate warning to U.S. Attorney Bill Barr, and the Department of Justice should take it very seriously.
In a 30 minute podcast interview last week [Listen Here] Representative Nunes rightly warns of massive political consequences if Justice Department officials don’t face jail time for their conduct during the Russia investigation. I strongly urge everyone to listen to the podcast.
♦ Phase One – November 2015 through April 2016: The first phase leading into ‘Spygate’ is the period of time where opposition research of the republican candidate field was taking place. It is in this period where Fusion-GPS hired CIA Open Source researcher Nellie Ohr, wife of DOJ-NSD official Bruce Ohr, to do research.
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Devin Nunes Has a Warning for AG Bill Barr: Without Prosecutions None “will trust the FBI or DOJ for generations”…