Buddy of mine is in market for new shotgun he wants to minimize felt recoil I suggested semi auto and a few ideas with grip and stance. He asked me if this was any good. Never heard of it. Any of you guys have any experience with these?
I can't speak to the specific gun but to minimize recoil I suggest low recoil ammunition. My 12 gauge shotgun with low recoil ammo has less kick than my 20 gauge shotgun. YMMV.
Yeah he mentioned that says he can't find any. This would be home defense gun BTW. I suggested semi auto (he has pump now) (semi auto uses some gasses to cycle action), push/pull grip (let arms absorb more recoil) and self defense posture with stock brought in closer to centerline of chest (more mass). He has issues with shoulders after 30+ years in contracting business.