20×102mm Vulcan
Donald Trump Is Lying About His Weight
Politico reports that Donald Trump's driver's license lists his height as 6-foot-2:
Size apparently matters to Trump. A letter that the businessman candidate displayed this summer from his longtime gastroenterologist — while appearing on the Dr. Oz show — stated he
was 6-foot-3, though media reports were quick to point out discrepancies.
Slate, for example, posited that Trump was adding an inch to his height to avoid crossing into obesity territory — he also weighed 236 pounds — on the BMI index. That Slate article pointed to multiple media that pegged Trump as 6-foot-2, including Google, though the search engine now has Trump at 6-foot-3.
ZOMG! Trump is a vain, narcissistic liar? Who knew?
Donald Trump is lying about his weight
Another meltdown by the left
Politico reports that Donald Trump's driver's license lists his height as 6-foot-2:
Size apparently matters to Trump. A letter that the businessman candidate displayed this summer from his longtime gastroenterologist — while appearing on the Dr. Oz show — stated he

Slate, for example, posited that Trump was adding an inch to his height to avoid crossing into obesity territory — he also weighed 236 pounds — on the BMI index. That Slate article pointed to multiple media that pegged Trump as 6-foot-2, including Google, though the search engine now has Trump at 6-foot-3.
ZOMG! Trump is a vain, narcissistic liar? Who knew?
Donald Trump is lying about his weight
Another meltdown by the left