20×102mm Vulcan
For those who do not know who Steve Pieczenik, he was the “inspiration” and inside source for author Tom Clancy. He is the one who Clancy based his Jack Ryan character on.
RE your last sentence....goes to confirm what Pieczenik stated about the Clintons and their associates being a group of hand picked and trusted criminal types who could not care less about America while favoring their own personal agendas. It is becoming more and more clear that what he states is true. The entire federal Justice Dept and the federal LE agencies have been salted with executive level cronies and fellow crooks. The Clintons are leading a group of anti-American saboteurs. They are true puppets of the global thugs who control most of the governments on the planet. Of course most people will not believe this, which serves to further their goals, which is to their advantage. They are getting fat and powerful on the complacency of the masses.I don't believe in large organized conspiracies, there are too many good people. Instead I think we have small-time criminal grifters (like the Clinton) and a case of the "emperor had no clothes" where most people try not to notice.
I know some really good people who are unfortunate liberal Hillary voters. They are doing mental backflips saying stuff like "Trump is a crook too but he is in private business so he can get away with it" or "It is so hard for a women to make it that she needs to play hardball". Excuses like that. Watch the News and they'll provide a whole host of excuses for Hillary so you can still feel morally superior for voting for her.
I do think he is partially correct, I bet many of the rank and file FBI and other security/military players leaked information and forced Comey to reopen the investigation. But if Hillary still wins then Lynch will close it and Obama will proactively pardon Clinton.