.308 Win
Just pulled out the raw, breaded tenders and put one aside to rehydrate and see how it does. As expected, out of the FD they are bone dry and devoid of moisture content.
For packaging they go into 7 mil mylar bags and they sealed up with the impulse sealer that comes with the price of the dryer. A small amount of bags also are in the package as well. The sealer seems to do a good job. Much better than the approach I used for some of the 5 gallon bags I've sealed. Much more consistent.

For packaging they go into 7 mil mylar bags and they sealed up with the impulse sealer that comes with the price of the dryer. A small amount of bags also are in the package as well. The sealer seems to do a good job. Much better than the approach I used for some of the 5 gallon bags I've sealed. Much more consistent.

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