Any electronic voting device is vulnerable to tampering. Same as with the old fashioned lever ones. We can all pick the best ones out the pool but it's up to the counters in the end.
This is like in the late 1800 in the mid west people went back to the saloon got a free shot of whiskey
a new hat and a fake beard and went out and voted again and did the same like 7 or 8 times.
The Late Hugo Chavez did the same thing in Venezuela. I think in the Maracaibo region independent audits estimated 70% fraud.
We are going the Venezuelan way!
We're effectively a Banana Republic already, I won't pretend otherwise. Any question of that reality went out the window with Comey's disgraceful failure to indict Billary, and Lynch's ex-parte meeting with Bubba on the Tarmac, it doesn't even pass the laugh test any longer. Just look at the "flexibility" of 2nd Amendment protections relative to geography in this country, "rights" don't exist when they're tangent to gubmint approval.