.357 mag
This is like a MacGyver episode!
My money is on porn.Just wondering what the hell a cellphone would be needed for when all satellites and radio towers are down. I suppose an extra little light function...
Amen. Someone gets it.An EMP attack can indeed be horrible to all effected. There is a lot of great information out there, there is also a lot of really, really bad information out there.
If this is a fear or concern for you, I would suggest you do some serious and in-depth research into this threat. I have been researching this threat for a very, very long time.
Amen. Someone gets it.
An EMP will not only fry cellphones and cars temporarily, it'll fry your whole way of life permanently for you. Refineries, fuel, trucks, food, ect will all be gone for years. Who going to walk 20 miles with a transformer on their back to repair it?
The country will collapse after the supermarket's run out of food. Martial law will be declared. Starvation and disease will set in. It's a domino effect. No electricity means no food. No food equals no work. No work equals no repair. No repair equals every man for themselves.
Many people make fun of people who think meat comes from the supermarket's yet those same people think the power company employees will put on their uniforms and repair hundreds of thousands of miles of power cables and transformers from factories that no longer function via horseback and bicycle while their families starve to death.If anyone wants a very detailed look at what life would be like read the book "one second after". You'll probably get hooked and read the sequel "one year after" as well.
Your life will change for the worse in many ways you haven't thought of.
Great books. Highly recommend even if you're not an EMPtard like me.If anyone wants a very detailed look at what life would be like read the book "one second after". You'll probably get hooked and read the sequel "one year after" as well.
Your life will change for the worse in many ways you haven't thought of.
The UN is NOT going to invade this country! They are not going to take 300,000,000 guns from 100,000,000 million people! There is no way they could do this! First there are military personal they would have to get by who have sworn to defend the constitution namely national guard and reserve units, second Obama is out in one month and unless he plans to kill everyone in the house and senate and everyone related to them AND be pronounced Prince he is going to need A LOT MORE TROOPS THAN THE UN HAS. Storing vehicles is done by every manufacturer on the planet, you don't think GM, Ford, Chrysler just to name a few.Not sure where the best thread is to post this one, but...
Is the UN trying to pre stage equipment here for some unknown purpose?
Massive Staging Of UN Vehicles In Maryland - Are The Boys In UN Blue Here To Kill You? n
The UN is NOT going to invade this country! They are not going to take 300,000,000 guns from 100,000,000 million people! There is no way they could do this! First there are military personal they would have to get by who have sworn to defend the constitution namely national guard and reserve units, second Obama is out in one month and unless he plans to kill everyone in the house and senate and everyone related to them AND be pronounced Prince he is going to need A LOT MORE TROOPS THAN THE UN HAS. Storing vehicles is done by every manufacturer on the planet, you don't think GM, Ford, Chrysler just to name a few.
Nice place to put your spare mini-crank generator that would power up your short wave transceiverPut a burner or two out there along with an extra car electronics module. Also for $25 you can get a hand crank radio that also juices up a phone via USB. Grab that too an throw it in the microwave. NEVER throw out a broken microwave oven. Just cut off the power leads and plug the ground into ground on a socket, and the thing is an epic Faraday Cage.
Worrying about something that you can do nothing about does no one any good, keeping the Hag out of office can be stopped and even if Obama tries something it won't last past Trump being elected or a major civil war which the UN couldn't win!Hey everyone has different opinions that's ok.
However I do worry about a scenario like this and do not feel it is nearly as far fetched as you do.
17 Elements of UN Imposed Martial Law
If it wasn't being considered and planned, then why has emperor Obama signed over so much sovereignty through executive orders to the UN already?
Look it up, what he has done with his executive orders can be used for extreme evil, martial law and shredding of the constitution.
I agree, today, a UN takeover isn't likely.
But, if there is a major event, false flag attack, ww3, mass civil disobedience, all bets are off and I believe this is what the globalists are trying to orchestrate.
Worrying about something that you can do nothing about does no one any good, keeping the Hag out of office can be stopped and even if Obama tries something it won't last past Trump being elected or a major civil war which the UN couldn't win!
Amen. Someone gets it.
An EMP will not only fry cellphones and cars temporarily, it'll fry your whole way of life permanently for you. Refineries, fuel, trucks, food, ect will all be gone for years. Who going to walk 20 miles with a transformer on their back to repair it?
The country will collapse after the supermarket's run out of food. Martial law will be declared. Starvation and disease will set in. It's a domino effect. No electricity means no food. No food equals no work. No work equals no repair. No repair equals every man for themselves.
It started with our neurotic dependence on foreign oil when we have access to huge sources under our own soil and waters.To me that's the most frightening thing- how in 20 years we became globally dependent on the web. People suddenly don't know how to do anything without it. That kind of dependence on ANYTHING is what makes humanity susceptible to more and more things. We're de-evolving at this point.
EMP paranoia is just that. Zener diodes make transorbs and an EMP cannot hurt electronics that have a transorb array. We have been putting transorbs in all military use mother boards since the 50s. Every commercial Data Center incorporates Faraday Cages. In fact, your metal wall / metal roof barns are Faraday cages. If you want to protect electronics throw them in an old broken microwave oven. Just plug it in so it grounds. I worked as a military radar engineer for 12 years. We worked in EMI/RFI chambers for most of our testing. DCAS and NAVPRO would never sign off on military use electronics that cannot survive EMI/RFI testing, immersion testing, salt/fog testing, bang-bang (extreme hot and cold cycling), vibration testing on shakers the size of your living room, and ballistic shock testing. EMP hysterics are just that.
The EMP "threat" is not so much my worry as the REAL threat of Solar Flares..they will and do happen..and our infrastructure isn't the 1800's or 1950s when they last occurred terribly..this next one will fuck the people up hard! Carrying around my old microwave to put my Ham radio equipment in isn't gonna cut it, when I'm lugging the BOB and weighted down with guns and ammo![]()
Something like a Carrington event is an inevitable eventuality. Sooner or later it will happen again. Its effects will be very similar to an EMP. the only thing is there might be a little bit of warning from the space weather prediction center of a massive solar storm.
Here is another story from the author explaining how close he thinks we are to ww3, based on current events going on in the world (as our media talks about Kim Kardashian stolen ring, NFL ratings and Donald trumps "lewd" comments) and interviews with intelligence contacts. His angle on continuity of government is interesting.
Emergency Announcement: Where You Are At Is Where You Will Soon Stay- WW3 Is Almost Here
They would most likely warn of a massive solar event so as many people as possible could reach some resemblance of safety. It only takes about 8 minutes for a flair to reach the Earth.A warning will not comethey won't want the massive fear and loathing to strike the hearts of the population..looting, burning, any of these "near earth asteroids" that the media tells us the next day past by yesterday..
They would most likely warn of a massive solar event so as many people as possible could reach some resemblance of safety. It only takes about 8 minutes for a flair to reach the Earth.
The man made EMP "threat" is not so much my worry as the REAL threat of Solar Flares..they will and do happen..and our infrastructure isn't the 1800's or 1950s when they last occurred terribly..this next one will fuck the people up hard! Carrying around my old microwave to put my Ham radio equipment in isn't gonna cut it, when I'm lugging the BOB and weighted down with guns and ammo![]()