.308 Win
After listening hour after hour to the liberal media and everyone else talking about the tragedy in Vegas, and building hysteria to "do something" or "pass a law to do something" .....
I am watching the idiot box surfing on my laptop,
Normally I toggle through channels during commercials. I look up and holy crap, they are running trailers of upcoming TV shows. Gun fire, killing, bombs going off, over and over building anticipation for the upcoming scheduled shows.
A whole industry built on senseless violence and blood for entertainment.
The same people that are blaming us for the assholes action in Vegas.
The same bitches that talk about blaming the Gun Industry Lobby code for the NRA..
I'm talking about the Liberal left entertainment industry.
Effem all!
I am watching the idiot box surfing on my laptop,
Normally I toggle through channels during commercials. I look up and holy crap, they are running trailers of upcoming TV shows. Gun fire, killing, bombs going off, over and over building anticipation for the upcoming scheduled shows.
A whole industry built on senseless violence and blood for entertainment.
The same people that are blaming us for the assholes action in Vegas.
The same bitches that talk about blaming the Gun Industry Lobby code for the NRA..
I'm talking about the Liberal left entertainment industry.
Effem all!