This video sums it up for me. Pam Bondi should resign, she is not serious. Trump better get this shit straight or he is going to lose a lot of support come mid terms.
Is it Friday 8:00 AM yet? What day is it, what time is it? Are we on DST or EST? Don't to just love the aroma of rhetoric in the morning, smells like bullshit.
Somebody call Trump Tower!!!!! We need a wake up call for AG Bondi!
Either way this plays out, DOJ and affiliates have lost ground with me and will take something along the lines of indictments of top tier personnel to get it back.
I had hope when Trump took office. I am back to burning it to the ground.
Always, always look at who they associate with.
I'll believe that when I read it with my own eyes. They'll be lucky to get even a single (1) text message let alone a "truck-full".
Therefore, I'm still...
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Trump’s People Are Playing a Dangerous Game › American Greatness
"Seriously? Here’s a tip to AG Bondi and Director Patel: You are not doing your boss, President Trump, proud. In fact, if you don’t change your ways fast, you might represent for him the best opportunity to impress the rest of the populace with a post on Truth Social directed to you both that reads: “You’re fired!” Harsh? Maybe. But how about you stop making public pronouncements about your displeasure with FBINY, send five FBI SWAT teams up to the New York office, seize all FBI files related to Epstein, and if a single Bureau employee so much as raises a tiny whisper of protest, sack him/her on the spot? Sounds like a plan to me."
And I'll continue to call "bullshit" until the files are all online. Don't fire these shitweasels, imprison them using the same tactics used against the J6 people.
Guess we're not going to get all the epstein documents after all. This guy is asking the right question.
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They have not released the files because 'certain' officials are listed, and they do not want THOSE names released.
This is the heart of it. The CIA is involved. We are culpable, that is why it's a nation security issue.
Honestly, I don't give a shit. Come clean, let us purged those responsible with the Death penalty. Own the bad and correct for it.