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State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman is off on a new career: targeting President Trump.
With his hire of a top veteran from ex-US Attorney Preet Bharara’s office, Schneiderman is plainly looking to go far beyond actions like challenging Trump’s travel ban.
Why else hire Howard Master, the top prosecutor in such high-profile cases as the takedown of ex-Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver? Indeed, the AG’s office says Master will work on “investigations and enforcement matters, including public corruption” and “affirmative federal litigation” — i.e., lawsuits against Trump & Co.
Schneiderman also hired the chief counsel to Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), Eric Haren, for his “essential knowledge and expertise” on key “areas of federal law” and “the internal workings of Congress and federal agencies.” Guess the AG won’t need anyone to worry about New York issues.
He claims he’s pursuing Trump, his staff and his policies “to protect the rights of New York residents” — ignoring his political motive: Furious Democrats want Trump neutered (or, better, removed) by the courts.
Schneiderman has the resources (and hunger) to wage that war. Win or lose, he’ll burnish his anti-Trump cred.
Trouble is, prosecutors aren’t supposed to choose their targets first, then hunt for incriminating evidence. That defines “bias.”
Nor are they supposed to have conflicts — as the AG clearly does, having served on a “leadership council” for Hillary Clinton.
All of which is reason for Schneiderman to stand down — or at least recuse himself on all matters Trump. He’d even have time for the job he was elected to do.
Eric Schneiderman’s bid to become the ‘sheriff of Pennsylvania Ave’ | New York Post
With his hire of a top veteran from ex-US Attorney Preet Bharara’s office, Schneiderman is plainly looking to go far beyond actions like challenging Trump’s travel ban.
Why else hire Howard Master, the top prosecutor in such high-profile cases as the takedown of ex-Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver? Indeed, the AG’s office says Master will work on “investigations and enforcement matters, including public corruption” and “affirmative federal litigation” — i.e., lawsuits against Trump & Co.
Schneiderman also hired the chief counsel to Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), Eric Haren, for his “essential knowledge and expertise” on key “areas of federal law” and “the internal workings of Congress and federal agencies.” Guess the AG won’t need anyone to worry about New York issues.
He claims he’s pursuing Trump, his staff and his policies “to protect the rights of New York residents” — ignoring his political motive: Furious Democrats want Trump neutered (or, better, removed) by the courts.
Schneiderman has the resources (and hunger) to wage that war. Win or lose, he’ll burnish his anti-Trump cred.
Trouble is, prosecutors aren’t supposed to choose their targets first, then hunt for incriminating evidence. That defines “bias.”
Nor are they supposed to have conflicts — as the AG clearly does, having served on a “leadership council” for Hillary Clinton.
All of which is reason for Schneiderman to stand down — or at least recuse himself on all matters Trump. He’d even have time for the job he was elected to do.
Eric Schneiderman’s bid to become the ‘sheriff of Pennsylvania Ave’ | New York Post