It's not about time for him to retire,- the time is way, way overdue. Under Will Fowler, the Erie County PPO has, IMHO, been a disgrace.
Will comes and goes as he pleases. He sits in his luxurious 2 room office surrounded by memorabilia, and literally mountains of files piled all over the place. He doesn't work like the other clerks there who process permits and gun changes day in and day out. Why not?
Will is not a manager,- he is just the most senior clerk there. My recollection is that he was given the job as a matter of patronage for being a former Buffalo Bill in a town with a love of the Buffalo Bills.
Despite the efforts of some personnel there, the office is an embarrassment,- there is no excuse for running such an outdated and inefficient operation in 2017. While other counties are much more modernized and efficient, and can process permits in as short as a month or two, the Erie County PPO still routinely takes 12-18 months overall. (Including Will, they have like 7 clerks. Processing 4000 permits annually over 250 working days by 7 clerks works out to be... wait for it... 2.28 permits per day, per clerk according to Common Core as well as regular math!)
Yes, I know, they do a bunch of added paperwork with changes to permits. But still, that only works out to about 1 permit in the morning,... and 1 after lunch over an 8 hour day... per clerk. Wow! The problem has to be the way the operation is run overall, because if you spend any time in the office watching things, you'll notice that they all seem to be keeping busy. So clearly, the operation needs to be streamlined, overhauled and updated!
And Will Fowler, despite his often smiling demeanor, is a liar, and someone who flat out does not follow the law. People who have run afoul of him know exactly what I mean. He has in fact, admitted to me personally,- and I have it on digital video, that "he doesn't follow the law, and he does what he wants...".
Perhaps Alan Brown will be given the opportunity to run that operation, and maybe even change it into an up to date and efficiently run operation,- assuming they can get the money needed to modernize the operation to at least current day standards! In my interactions with Alan, he has shown himself to be the consummate professional, and to be highly organized and efficient. I'd like to see Alan get the chance to try.
While some may kiss Will's ass and bestow all kinds of accolades upon him on his way out, I will not. I don't have any ill will toward him,- I'm just happy to finally see him go.
Enjoy your retirement Will. Better late than never.

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