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Exploring The Origin Of The Flynn-Kislyak Wiretap
By Mary Fanning and Alan Jones | May 23, 2020
Acting Director of Intelligence Richard Grenell, replying to a tweet from The Federalist’s Mollie Hemmingway about “declassifying the Kislyak-Flynn transcript and/or summaries,” tweeted:
The IC doesn’t have all the transcripts/summaries….it wasn’t our product. It’s odd that @AdamSchiff doesn’t know this.
So, whose product was it?
Was it the “product” of the illegally-commandeered foreign surveillance system known as THE HAMMER? President Obama, James Clapper, and John Brennan had transformed THE HAMMER into an illegal, privatized domestic surveillance system to spy on the American people. They ran THE HAMMER outside of legally-mandated Congressional and FISA court oversight.
CIA contractor-turned whistleblower Dennis Montgomery designed and built THE HAMMER as a foreign surveillance tool in 2003 to keep America safe after 9/11. And it did, according to military sources.
Those military sources told The American Report that sign-off procedures for THE HAMMER, including FISA court sign-offs, were in place to document the identities of all personnel who accessed the powerful foreign surveillance tool THE HAMMER, up to and including the President of the United States.
On February 3, 2009 the U.S. government’s powerful foreign surveillance system, THE HAMMER, was commandeered and moved to the Fort Washington Facility in Maryland by John Brennan and James Clapper where they illegally transformed it into their own private domestic surveillance system.
Brennan, Clapper, and Obama were illegally spying on the American people, destroying their constitutional rights to privacy while blackmailing and leveraging Obama’s political enemies with stolen tools of the federal government. This was beyond the pale. Nothing like this has ever been seen or done in America before. In the communist Soviet Union, in Hitler’s Germany, and in Mao’s China — yes, but never before in the United States of America.
By Mary Fanning and Alan Jones | May 23, 2020
Acting Director of Intelligence Richard Grenell, replying to a tweet from The Federalist’s Mollie Hemmingway about “declassifying the Kislyak-Flynn transcript and/or summaries,” tweeted:
The IC doesn’t have all the transcripts/summaries….it wasn’t our product. It’s odd that @AdamSchiff doesn’t know this.
True. The IC doesn’t have all the transcripts/summaries….it wasn’t our product. It’s odd that @AdamSchiff doesn’t know this. But I already started the declassification for the few we received. They should be released in full, though. The public deserves to see it.
— Richard Grenell (@RichardGrenell) May 22, 2020
So, whose product was it?
Was it the “product” of the illegally-commandeered foreign surveillance system known as THE HAMMER? President Obama, James Clapper, and John Brennan had transformed THE HAMMER into an illegal, privatized domestic surveillance system to spy on the American people. They ran THE HAMMER outside of legally-mandated Congressional and FISA court oversight.
CIA contractor-turned whistleblower Dennis Montgomery designed and built THE HAMMER as a foreign surveillance tool in 2003 to keep America safe after 9/11. And it did, according to military sources.
Those military sources told The American Report that sign-off procedures for THE HAMMER, including FISA court sign-offs, were in place to document the identities of all personnel who accessed the powerful foreign surveillance tool THE HAMMER, up to and including the President of the United States.
On February 3, 2009 the U.S. government’s powerful foreign surveillance system, THE HAMMER, was commandeered and moved to the Fort Washington Facility in Maryland by John Brennan and James Clapper where they illegally transformed it into their own private domestic surveillance system.
Brennan, Clapper, and Obama were illegally spying on the American people, destroying their constitutional rights to privacy while blackmailing and leveraging Obama’s political enemies with stolen tools of the federal government. This was beyond the pale. Nothing like this has ever been seen or done in America before. In the communist Soviet Union, in Hitler’s Germany, and in Mao’s China — yes, but never before in the United States of America.

So Whose “Product” Is It? Exploring The Origin Of The Flynn-Kislyak Wiretap: Was It THE HAMMER? - The American Report
By Mary Fanning and Alan Jones | May 23, 2020 Acting Director of Intelligence Richard Grenell, replying to a tweet from The Federalist’s Mollie Hemmingway about “declassifying the Kislyak-Flynn transcript and/or summaries,” tweeted: The IC doesn’t have all the transcripts/summaries….it wasn’t...