Well, what else has he to do? He watched a fellow Billionaire become POTUS, so he thinks why not...
He has millions of followers, can channel what information they see... And for snowflakes and the Koolaid drinkers, that's all they need. And besides, what else has he got to do? Amazing isn't it... He's a loser!
I refer to him as "Fuckerberg" for a reason. I imagine back in the day a lot of his classmates did too, and being such a snowflake, that partially explains why he's such an asshole today. I have yet to see him do a single generous act the likes of which Trump has done.
I don't like the guy at all but the more people he's pissing off lately I'm starting to warm to him a bit, even though it's a massive hypocrit. Hates Trump's wall but thinks his 700 private acres in hawaii needs to keep the riff raff out. What a clown.