.338 Win Mag
I smell bullshit
I was working on my brother's car the other day, the seal popped out of the windshield and I was trying to pop it back in, by standing on the inside of the car, leaning over the windshield. Naturally, I slipped and stepped backwards, and as I did, the open door behind me bit into my hip and popped my holster out of position, and my Glock popped out and onto the ground. If this dude's story is true, then I should be happy I didn't get shot. Granted, as stupid as this incident was, I didn't try to grab it or put any foreign materials inside the trigger guard. I just let it hit the ground, as this ding dong should have done.
Exactly. Even at the range -- if the gun falls while someone is down range off your stand, you fucking leave it. It won't go off. It's when you try to catch it that it could potentially go off and become much, much worse.