SO I did some shopping for it. Some Welcome Home Gifts!
Feb 22, 2017 #1 Phauxtoe .338 Win Mag Messages 7,011 Reaction score 6,552 Location Rockland SO I did some shopping for it. Some Welcome Home Gifts!
Feb 22, 2017 #2 twax100 9mm Messages 84 Reaction score 105 Location Saratoga County I've always wanted to shoot a 617. My grandfather handed me down a High Standard Double 9 when I originally got my permit so that's the only rimfire wheelgun I've ever had trigger time with. Keep us posted on how she shoots.
I've always wanted to shoot a 617. My grandfather handed me down a High Standard Double 9 when I originally got my permit so that's the only rimfire wheelgun I've ever had trigger time with. Keep us posted on how she shoots.
Feb 22, 2017 #3 NYGuns .308 Win Admin Messages 2,637 Reaction score 4,356 Location Orange County Nice! Should be fun