For my trips to the pistol permit office (in the sheriffs building) and the DMV and veterans affairs office (both in the same building) there is always a check point with a metal detector and what not.
The DMV/vet is usually the smoothest. The head sheriff's deputy that is usually always on duty by this point knows me by name, and usually spots me before I get to the door and greets me with a thumbs up or thumbs down to indicate if I'm carrying and we need to go in the office to lock my gun up.
The PP office is a 50/50
So the exciting 50% usually goes like this.
Officer : where you heading today
Me: heading to the pistol permit office (as I'm handing him my ID and License), and just so you know I am carrying and need to lock up my firearm
Officer: wait what, what do you mean carrying? (I indicate my gun) why did you bring that here you cant being that inside here.
Me: I know that is why I need to lock it up
Officer you cant bring a gun in here, did you plan on coming here today (me yes I did) well then why didnt you leave it at home
Me: because I carry everywhere when I legally can, who know on what long trip or short corner store run something might happen, and I may have had other errands to run today.
Officer: you need to go lock that in your car or something.
Me: wait you want me to go outside and lock a gun in a car parked on the same street that the county jail is on? And its visitation day and time going on, even with my car safe that still seems like an unnecessary risk that you are asking me to take when I know there is a lock box in that room right there for this exact thing
Office: hold on I need to call someone.
Undersheriff shows up: what's going on
I explain to him, and he looks at the officer and says why are you wasting my time, go help him lock this up and fill him out a receipt so he can claim his gun on the way out
The DMV/vet is usually the smoothest. The head sheriff's deputy that is usually always on duty by this point knows me by name, and usually spots me before I get to the door and greets me with a thumbs up or thumbs down to indicate if I'm carrying and we need to go in the office to lock my gun up.
The PP office is a 50/50
So the exciting 50% usually goes like this.
Officer : where you heading today
Me: heading to the pistol permit office (as I'm handing him my ID and License), and just so you know I am carrying and need to lock up my firearm
Officer: wait what, what do you mean carrying? (I indicate my gun) why did you bring that here you cant being that inside here.
Me: I know that is why I need to lock it up
Officer you cant bring a gun in here, did you plan on coming here today (me yes I did) well then why didnt you leave it at home
Me: because I carry everywhere when I legally can, who know on what long trip or short corner store run something might happen, and I may have had other errands to run today.
Officer: you need to go lock that in your car or something.
Me: wait you want me to go outside and lock a gun in a car parked on the same street that the county jail is on? And its visitation day and time going on, even with my car safe that still seems like an unnecessary risk that you are asking me to take when I know there is a lock box in that room right there for this exact thing
Office: hold on I need to call someone.
Undersheriff shows up: what's going on
I explain to him, and he looks at the officer and says why are you wasting my time, go help him lock this up and fill him out a receipt so he can claim his gun on the way out